Linking Off-Bank Accounts

Linking Accounts with Plaid

  1. Click the + icon or Add Account button

  2. Plaid will open in a new browser tab or window

  3. Click Continue and search for the financial institution you want to link

  4. When prompted, enter your credentials for the institution into Plaid

    <aside> ❗ Note: Card Connect never has access to these credentials - these are strictly between your institution and Plaid, and for certain institutions that use OAuth, Plaid will never have access to these credentials either


  5. Select the specific account(s) you want to add to Card Connect

    1. We recommend linking only checking accounts and credit cards where you may store them with online merchants. If you link other types of accounts like savings accounts, loans, CDs etc. Card Connect will not identify any merchants on those accounts
  6. Close Plaid and head back to Card Connect - it should automatically refresh and your new account(s) will be visible

  7. Once Card Connect finishes processing your new transactions, you will receive a notification and your new account(s) will be ready to use

❓ What if I can’t find my institution?